C2S Recruitment

See through job opportunities with

C2S Recruitment Service is the boutique recruitment - consulting services firm which register in central of Bangkok , Thailand . C2SR has worked with a select group of clients who possess an ardent desire for growth and realize that the recruitment of key talent is critical. Our experience and specialization translates into a clearer understanding of client needs and a shortened recruitment cycle

Corporate Mission

“ Being the premier recruiter to select the potential candidates for manufacturing & servicing in Thailand . “

Our Belive

Our goal is  to help the business for improving the productivity by creating more opportunities with the right person to meet the right job because we are strongly believe in …

“ Great potentiality of human can be explored when they see through the career opportunity .

Our Values

  • Customer Service first.
  • Customer Satisfaction coming later

Any Position - Any Qualification - You request - We service

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